Pool Shark H2O is a Proud Sponsor of Step Into Swim
By signing up for the Pool Shark H2O App, you're a supporter too!

What is Step Into Swim?
Step Into Swim™ is an initiative of the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance committed to safe swim education and drowning prevention. By investing in the next generation of swimmers through learn-to-swim programming, Step Into Swim instills confidence, empowers long-term participation in water activities, touts the positive benefits of water play, and advocates for safe practices.
Step Into Swim provides educational resources and grants to learn-to-swim programs across the country, including community organizations, parks and recreation departments, YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, and more. Together, we can create more swimmers for life.
Help Us Make a Difference
Each year, thousands of families are affected by the loss of a child or loved one to drowning. Learning to swim from a qualified instructor is an essential skill that builds confidence in the water and saves lives – drastically reducing the risk of drowning by 88 percent. Drowning is preventable, and together we can empower and develop young swimmers to Step Into Swim safely and confidently.
When You Use the Pool Shark H2O App - You Contribute to Saving Lives
For every two pools using the Pool Shark H2O Digital Pool Logbook App, we're sponsoring a swimming lesson for someone in need.
But wait, there's more! The Step into Swim board is matching our donations, which means that for every pool using the Pool Shark H2O App, a swimmer's lessons will be sponsored.
Streamline pool operations and save money while providing the life-saving skill of learning to swim.